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It depends on jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8. The widget is styleable using Themeroller. It works in an unobtrusive fashion, by just turning html multiple select inputs into a sexier equivalent. There's no extra markup needed.

Localisation support is done through the localization plugin available here.

The widget is available under the dual MIT and GPL licenses.


Multiselect with local content :
Test submit (will not reload the page)
Multiselect with remote content :
Test submit (will not reload the page)
Toggle external controls (IE6 doesn't render well this layout.... and I don't care)
Controls :
Enable multiselect :
Get selected values :
Select values :

Manual selection :
(Match option values, not text)
Search :



Known bugs



Here's a list of features that may or may not be implemented in future releases (no specific versions).



There are no limitations. Do whatever you want with this plugin. If you did some nice modifications, just let us know (via Github). We'd be happy to review them, and perhaps include them.

  • animated

    String, null

    When animated is specified, the multiselect UI will use transition effects between interactions. The possible values are 'fast', 'slow' and null (no animation).

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with the animated option specified.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ animated: 'fast' });
    Get or set the animated option, after init.
    var animated = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'animated');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'animated', 'slow');
  • dataParser


    Used with remote search, this function is called to parse the data received and return the data in the expected format.

    The function takes the raw received data from the request and should return a JSON object corresponding to the new available options to add. The returned object should have the following structure :

    	"key1": {
    		selected: boolean,
    		value: string
    	"key2": {
    		selected: boolean,
    		value: string

    If the data should be discarded, the function may return false or null.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with the a pass-through dataParser
    (expects to receive the correct raw data format from the server)
    $('.selector').multiselect({ dataParser: function(data) { return data; } });
    Get or set the dataParser option, after init.
    var dataParser = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'dataParser');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'dataParser', newDataParser);
  • dividerLocation


    Specify the portion of the selected (left side) area of the multiselect. To have an even split multiselect, set dividerLocation to 0.5. The value should be between 0 and 1.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with the dividerLocation option specified.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ dividerLocation: 0.55 });
    Get or set the dividerLocation option, after init.
    var dividerLocation = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'dividerLocation');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'dividerLocation', 0.55);
  • droppable


    Enable or disable basic drag and drop functionality between the selected list (left) and the available list (right). The possible values are 'both', 'left', 'right', 'none'. And set drop support in both lists, the selected list, the available list, or no drag and drop respectively.

    This setting is readonly at run-time. Trying to set this property after initialization will trigger a messages event.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with the no drag and drop functionality.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ droppable: 'none' });
    Get the droppable option, after init.
    var droppable = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'droppable');
  • hide


    Specify the hide animation function to use. If animated is null, the value will be overriden to 'hide'. The possible values are any available function effects name. The default value for animated hide effect is 'slideUp'.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with the hide option specified.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ hide: 'fadeOut' });
    Get or set the hide option, after init.
    var hide = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'hide');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'hide', 'fadeOut');
  • nodeComparator

    Function, null

    Comparator function used in ordering the list's elements during transfer. The function takes two arguments, a and b, and should return a numeric value less than 0 if a < b, 0 if a == b, or greater than 0 if a > b respectively.

    The function is only called when the list is not sortable. By default, items are sorted by content value ascending. To completely disable automatic list ordering, set nodeComparator to null.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with option key ordering nodeComparator.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ nodeComparator: function(a, b) {
    	var ka ='multiselect.optionLink').val(),
    	    kb ='multiselect.optionLink').val();
    	return ka == kb ? 0 : (ka < kb ? -1 : 1);
    } } });
    Get or set the nodeComparator option, after init.
    var nodeComparator = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'nodeComparator');
    //setter (will only be applied on new inserted items only!)
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'nodeComparator', newNodeComparator);
  • nodeInserted

    Function, null

    Callback function fired for each newly inserted items. The function takes the inserted item as a JQuery object and does not expect any return value.

    Internally, items are cached as a best effort basis, therefore some items may be inserted, removed and re-inserted during manipulations.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect a nodeInserted callback.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ nodeInserted: function(item) {
    	item.attr('title', item.text()); // set a "tooltip" to newly added items
    } } });
    Get or set the animated option, after init.
    var nodeInserted = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'nodeInserted');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'nodeInserted', newCallback);
  • searchable


    Enable or disable search capabilities for this instance of the multiselect.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with searchable option disabled.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ searchable: false });
    Get or set the searchable option, after init.
    var searchable = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'searchable');
    //setter (reset search filter)
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'searchable', false);
  • searchDelay


    Define the input search delay before a request is sent to the server. The default value is 400 milliseconds.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with a 1 second searchDelay.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ searchDelay: 1000 });
    Get or set the searchDelay option, after init.
    var searchDelay = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'searchDelay');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'searchDelay', 1000);
  • show


    Specify the show animation function to use. If animated is null, the value will be overriden to 'show'. The possible values are any available function effects name. The default value for animated hide effect is 'slideDown'.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with the show option specified.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ show: 'fadeIn' });
    Get or set the show option, after init.
    var show = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'show');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'show', 'fadeIn');
  • sortable


    Enable or disable item sortable functionality through drag and drop for the selected list (left) and/or the available list (right). The possible values are 'both', 'left', 'right', 'none'. And set sortable support in both lists, the selected list only, the available list only, or none sortable respectively.

    This setting overrides droppable for the specified list. This setting is readonly at run-time (like droppable).

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect sortable functionality across both lists.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ sortable: 'both' });
    Get the sortable option, after init.
    var sortable = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'sortable');
  • remoteParams

    { }

    Specify some extra remote parameters to send with every remote search requests. Note that the 'q' argument is reserved by multiselect and if remoteParams contains a key called 'q', it will be overriden with the search query.

    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect searchable remotely with extra params
    // server expect to receive a public key for secure requests
    // our public key is "foo", send this key automatically with every search request
    $('.selector').multiselect({ remoteUrl: 'ajax.php', remoteParams: { publickey: 'foo' } });
    Get or set the remoteParams option, after init.
    var remoteParams = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'remoteParams');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'remoteParams', { publickey: 'bar' });
  • remoteUrl

    String, null

    If the multiselect is searchable, then setting this option will allow fetching new data from a remote script. The returned data may vary if a custom dataParser is set.

    The default parser expects to receive the data as plain text, one option per line, in the format of :


    Code examples

    Initialize a multiselect with a given remote url.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ remoteUrl: 'ajax.php' });
    Get or set the remoteUrl option, after init.
    var remoteUrl = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'remoteUrl');
    $('.selector').dialog('option', 'remoteUrl', '/path/to/script.php');
  • enabled

    .multiselect( 'enabled', [state], [msg] )

    Get or set the state of the enabled multiselect. If no state is specified, will act as a getter. If state is set to false, the msg argument will display the specified string as custom disabled message inside the multiseelct.

  • deselect

    .multiselect( 'deselect', item )

    Deselect the specified item. The value should be the text of the option to verify (not case sensitive).

    If only the option key is known, the option may be specified using the following command:

    $('.mulstiselect').multiselect('deselect', $('.multiselect').find('option[value=key]').text() );
  • destroy

    .multiselect( 'destroy' )

    Remove the multiselect functionality completely. This will return the element back to it's default look.

  • isBusy

    .multiselect( 'isBusy' )

    Return the busy state of the multiselect. The method will return true if the multiselect is processing item selection, search, etc.

  • isSelected

    .multiselect( 'isSelected', item )

    Return true if and only if item is selected. The value should be the text of the option to verify (not case sensitive).

    If only the option key is known, the option may be specified using the following command:

    $('.mulstiselect').multiselect('isSelected', $('.multiselect').find('option[value=key]').text() );
  • option

    .multiselect( 'option', optionName, [value] )

    Get or set any dialog option. If no value is specified, will act as a getter.

  • select

    .multiselect( 'select', item )

    Select the specified item. The value should the text of the option to select (not case sensitive).

    If only the option key is known, the option may be specified using the following command:

    $('.mulstiselect').multiselect('select', $('.multiselect').find('option[value=key]').text() );
  • selectAll

    .multiselect( 'selectAll' )

    Select all of the available items.

  • selectedValues

    .multiselect( 'selectedValues' )

    Return an array of the keys of all the currently selected values.

    This method is an utility method equivalent to :

    $.map( $('.multiselect').find('option[selected]'), function(item,i) { return $(item).val(); });
  • selectNone

    .multiselect( 'selectNone' )

    Deselect all the selected items (equivalent to "Remove all").

All event callbacks receive two parameters: the event object and the ui object. The ui object's property may vary between events, but all share these basic properties:

  • ui.sender : the SELECT element where the event originated (use $(ui.sender).multiselect(...) to access widget)

  • deselected


    This event is triggered whenever the an option has been deselected. The event deselected is triggered for every option deselected.

    Code examples

    Supply a feedback function to handle the deselected events as an init option.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ deselected: function(event, ui) { alert($(ui.option).val() + " has been deselected"); } });
    Bind to the deselected event of type multiselectdeselected.
    $('.selector').bind('multiselectdeselected', function(event, ui) {
      ...   // ui.option is the DOMOption node of ui.sender
  • messages


    This event is triggered whenever the widget needs to send some feedback to the user.

    Code examples

    Supply a feedback function to handle the messages supplied by the widget as an init option. The ui object will hold these extra parameters:
    • ui.description : a preformatted message describing the event's message
    • ui.type : one of the following value: 0=message (warning), 1=exception, 2=error
    $('.selector').multiselect({ messages: function(event, ui) { alert(ui.description); } });
    Bind to the messages event of type multiselectmessages.
    $('.selector').bind('multiselectmessages', function(event, ui) {
  • selected


    This event is triggered whenever the an option has been selected. The event selected is triggered for every option selected.

    Code examples

    Supply a feedback function to handle the selected events as an init option.
    $('.selector').multiselect({ selected: function(event, ui) { alert($(ui.option).val() + " has been selected"); } });
    Bind to the selected event of type multiselectselected.
    $('.selector').bind('multiselectselected', function(event, options) {
      ...   // ui.option is the DOMOption node of ui.sender