Archive for the ‘Arty’ Category

We moved some stuff around and found this room for you. Here are the facts


The VVVV.js project has launched, and joins the game of porting great stuff to JavaScript. Read about what it is, what it is not and what to do to make it become, what it might be some day, in this quasi-artikel.


U+223D (Reversed Tilde) is a multi-projector club visual setup featuring a non-planar sculpture, which consists of four separated canvases. Have a look inside the article, to watch a video of its first application in the Eiskeller Hagenberg.

Etage 12900

Last April I played a VJ-set at the closing event of vienna’s sound:frame festival at the Fluc Wanne. Now i finally managed to patch up some documentation about the content I built especially for this event.

