We moved some stuff around and found this room for you. Here are the facts
Being our favourite prefix, the term Quasi can be put in front of all the things, that somehow are, but actually aren't.
Quasi sounds so delicious, and makes everything so pleasantly non-absolute. [ read more ]
Where code-affine Designers and design-affine Coders meet frequently to talk about creative coding, physical computing, generative and digital art.
It’s only three more weeks until the amazing NODE15 Festival is taking place in Frankfurt, so yesterday’s launch of the official website was just in time. As you might have guessed, VVVV.js also has its appearance with a WebGL cloth animation on the landing page.
After a little break- to single out the irregularity of these Events - the 3rd Issue of our “Lange Nacht des gfährlichen Halbwissens” took place.
Three and a half years ago the VVVV.js project made its first public appearence. Since then, VVVV.js has evolved from an experimental toy into a great tool for prototyping and creating rich user interfaces, data visualisations, animations and more — VVVV.js grew up.
After a pretty successful premiere of our irregular knowledge night in December, “Die lange Nacht des gefährlichen Halbwissens” returned with its second issue on April 4th.
“Die lange Nacht des gefährlichen Halbwissens” first Issue. We invited an array of smartasses to cover all levels of nerdity.
Last Sunday I gave a small workshop at the MapBox office, where I showed new findings I’ve discovered while working on my last visualization project. We turned a collection of countries into a dance of dots, each dot referring to a country in the collection. In other words: We created a simple animated Scatterplot.
The VVVV.js project has launched, and joins the game of porting great stuff to JavaScript. Read about what it is, what it is not and what to do to make it become, what it might be some day, in this quasi-artikel.
U+223D (Reversed Tilde) is a multi-projector club visual setup featuring a non-planar sculpture, which consists of four separated canvases. Have a look inside the article, to watch a video of its first application in the Eiskeller Hagenberg.